Mittwoch, 8. Januar 2014

Maplecroft, nationale Länder-Risiken: Myanmar mit den größten, positiven Fortschritten

Maplecroft verkündet ein Update des viel beachteten "Risk Atlas". Nachdem die 'Länder-Risiken' im globalen Minen-Sektor eine sehr relevante Rolle eingenommen haben und zu den 'Top 5 Risiken' der involvierten Gesellschaften heutzutage gehören, lohnt es sich immer einen genauen Blick auf die Lokalisierung der Hauptprojekte und Minenoperationen zu werfen.

Business environment improving in Myanmar, Mozambique and Senegal – Legal and Regulatory Risk Atlas
08 Januar 2014 
Myanmar has been identified as the country making the greatest improvements to its business environment for 2014. Strides have been made through reforms to address issues such as corruption; rule of law; the regulatory framework; respect for property rights; and corporate governance, reveals Maplecroft’s annual Legal and Regulatory Environment Risk Atlas (LRERA). Senegal, Guatemala, Mozambique and Rwanda, meanwhile, are among the countries with best performance over the last five years.
The fifth annual Legal and Regulatory Environment Risk Atlas includes 21 risk indices developed to enable companies and investors to monitor the ease of undertaking business in 173 countries. Since 2009 some of the biggest increases in legal and regulatory risk have been experienced by foreign investors in Argentina, Bahrain, Bangladesh and Egypt. Maplecroft states that the business environment in these countries is being curtailed by factors such as a lack of respect for the rule of law and property rights; weak investor protection; increasing regulatory burdens; and poor governance resulting from instability..


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