Samstag, 17. September 2016

Amazon startet größtes Erneuerbare-Energien-Projekt der Firmenhistorie

Der amerikanische Mega-Player Amazon (AMZN) setzt wie Google auf eine breite Diversifikation und investiert viel Geld in aussichtsreiche Bereiche außerhalb des Kerngeschäfts. Hierzu ein aktueller Bericht, der auf das spannende Energieprojekt in Texas eingeht..

Amazon Announces Its Largest-Ever Renewable Energy Project 

By Rakesh Sharma | September 15, 2016 — 12:29 PM EDT Inc. (AMZN) announced its largest renewable energy to date this morning. The Amazon Wind Farm Texas will feature more than 100 wind turbines with diameters “twice as long as the wingspan of a Boeing 747” and produce annual energy to power almost 90,000 homes for a year. 

The project is the fifth such renewable energy project for the company. Cumulatively, the projects generate 2.6 million megawatt hours each year and will be used to power current and future Amazon Web Services cloud data centers. Amazon is also running tests with electric car maker Tesla Motors Inc.’s (TSLA) Powerpack batteries as backup electricity storage for its data centers, in case of shortage of supply of renewable energy sources. (See also: Clean Or Green Technology Investing).

In 2014, the Seattle company committed to powering all of its data centers using renewable energy. For this year, its goal is to ensure that 40% of its data centers globally harness energy from renewable sources.


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