Freitag, 19. April 2013

BHP Produktionsergebnisse: Trotz Gegenwind hält der Minenriese an den Jahresprognosen fest

Minengigant BHP Billiton (AU.BHP) legte ordentliche Produktionsergebnisse für das 1. Quartal 2013 diese Woche vor. Trotz einiger Herausforderungen und externen Belastungsfaktoren ist das Unternehmen operativ auf Kurs und bekräftigt die Jahresprognosen. Die nächsten Finanzergebnisse werden bereits mit Spannung erwartet. Informative Einblicke über die zahlreichen, wichtigen Entwicklungsprojekte des Konzerns liefert insbesondere der neue Exploration & Development Report (incl. Drilling Report).

Worth reading:
This report covers the Group’s exploration and development activities for the March 2013 quarter. Unless otherwise stated, BHP Billiton’s interest in the projects referred to in this report is 100 per cent and references to project schedules are based on calendar years.
BHP Billiton continues to progress 19 major projects in various stages of development. These projects are largely low risk, brownfield expansions, which are expected to deliver first production before the end of the 2015 financial year. In line with prior guidance, no new major projects were approved during the March 2013 quarter.
Our Queensland Coal operations achieved a significant milestone during the March 2013 quarter with first production achieved at the Daunia mine, ahead of schedule. The continued ramp up of this mine and future commissioning of Caval Ridge will underpin an expected increase in the capacity of our Queensland Coal business to 66 million tonnes per annum (100 per cent basis) by the end of the 2014 calendar year. The Broadmeadow Life Extension project also achieved first production ahead of schedule and will not be reported in future Exploration and Development Reports.
Following the sale of BHP Billion’s diamonds business to Dominion Diamond Corporation on 10 April 2013, the EKATI Misery Open Pit project is no longer included in this report.
BHP Billiton’s Onshore US drilling and development expenditure totalled US$3.2 billion for the nine month period ended March 2013 and guidance for the 2013 financial year remains unchanged at US$4.0 billion. Over 80 per cent of this expenditure will be focused on the liquids rich areas of the Eagle Ford and Permian..

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