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Hierzu auch ein Bericht auf BNN:
Rare earth demand to increase 50% by 2020

A dredge separates heavy and light sand as it works to produce titanium and zircon. Rare-earth minerals are often a by-product of such operations.
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According to Chen Zhanheng, vice-secretary general of the Association of China Rare Earth Industry, Chinese rare earth demand will increase 50% in the next five years, putting pressure on China to eliminate production quotas..
Link: http://www.bnn.ca/Sponsored-News/2015/10/22/Rare-earth-demand-to-increase-50-by-2020.aspx
According to Chen Zhanheng, vice-secretary general of the Association of China Rare Earth Industry, Chinese rare earth demand will increase 50% in the next five years, putting pressure on China to eliminate production quotas..
Link: http://www.bnn.ca/Sponsored-News/2015/10/22/Rare-earth-demand-to-increase-50-by-2020.aspx
Quelle: stockcharts.com
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