Mittwoch, 5. August 2015

Gold, Terminmarkt: Leverage an der COMEX erreicht neues Rekord-Niveau

Der einflussreiche Papier-Gold- und Spekulanten-Markt gewinnt weiter an Brisanz:




Comex On The Edge? Paper Gold "Dilution" Hits A Record 124 For Every Ounce Of Physical

Tyler Durden's picture

Over the few days, we got what was merely the latest confirmation that when it comes to sliding gold prices, consumers of physical gold just can't get enough.
As the Times of India reported over the weekend, India's gold imports shot up by 61% to 155 tonnes in the first two months of the current fiscal year "due to weak prices globally and the easing of restrictions by the Reserve Bank. In April-May of the last fiscal, gold imports had aggregated about 96 tonnes, an official said.."