Samstag, 24. September 2016

Rohstoff- und Minenbranche: Der Wochenrückblick von Haywood

Hier finden Sie den Wochen-Report von Haywood:

The Weekly Dig

Haywood Mining Team
Investors Sceptical on Copper as Red Metal Hits $2.20/lb

While the Federal Reserve announced its decision to hold interest rates (as expected) given continued weak economic data out of the U.S., the price of copper has defied the bears in September, rising from just above $2.00 per pound on September 1 through the $2.20 per pound level on Friday. Many commentators remain unconvinced that better times are ahead for copper, with the red metal commonly viewed as a useful guide to the state of the global economy. Certainly the Federal Reserve’s decision to hold rates could be seen as supporting this view, although some would view the Feds decision to keep interest rates on hold as more to do with timing given the impending U.S. election; in a statement released on Wednesday the Federal Reserve hinted at a possible rate hike this year, most likely in December, which may provide upward momentum for copper and other base metals in the medium term. 

Meanwhile, after testing the $1,300 per ounce level last week, the Feds decision saw the price of gold rise 2% following the announcement before finishing at $1,338 per ounce on Friday. Gold equities followed suit, with the S&P/TSX Global Gold Index rising 4% to finish at 64.9 on Friday. Silver (↑5%), platinum (↑3.7%) and palladium (↑4.3%) were all up, finishing at $19.70, $1,055 and $704 per ounce respectively. In base metals, nickel prices surged almost 9% this week, finishing at $4.82 per pound while lead (↓1.4%) and zinc (↑3%) each finished at $0.87 and $1.03 per pound respectively. The price of WTI crude regained some of its recent losses, up 2.6% to finish at $45. Finally, the UxC Weekly Spot Price of uranium was down (↓3.1%) closing at $24.12 per pound on Friday..

Freitag, 23. September 2016

Webcasts vom Denver Gold Forum 2016 in Colorado Springs

Alle Präsentationen sind nun online abrufbar:

Barrick Gold: Präsentation auf dem Denver Gold Forum

Der Präsident Kelvin Dushnisky vom weltgrößten Goldproduzent Barrick Gold (ABX) hielt einen informativen Vortrag auf dem renommierten Denver Gold Forum

Und hier das gesamte, detaillierte Transkript zum Vortrag:

Barrick Gold's (ABX) Management Presents at Denver Gold Forum Conference (Transcript)

Explorer TerraX Minerals erweitert Gold-Entdeckung auf Mispickel-Bohrziel

TerraX Minerals (V.TXR) bleibt an der Drilling-Front erfolgreich. Dies bestätigen die jüngsten Bohrergebnisse aus dem laufenden Explorationsprogramm auf dem Yellowknife City Goldprojekt im Norden von Kanada.

Die neuen Ergebnisse sind Teil eines 27.000 Bohrmeter starken Arbeitsprogramms auf dem Hauptprojekt und wurden auf dem Bohrziel Mispickel durchgeführt, wo TerraX eine neue Gold-Discovery gelungen ist.

TerraX hat durch die 4 neuen Bohrungen (100% Trefferrate) erfolgreich die mineralisierte Gold-Zone erweitern können, wodurch die wichtige Kontinuität bestätigt wird. Die getroffenen hochgradigen Gold-Mineralisierungen, die sogar visuell sichtbares Gold enthalten, können sich durch die Bank sehen lassen:

TerraX drills 5.53 m @ 29.85 g/t Au below previous drilling at Mispickel, extending mineralized zones at depth.

Vancouver, B.C. -- TerraX Minerals Inc. (TSX-V: TXR; Frankfurt: TX0; OTC Pink: TRXXF) is pleased to announce that it has received assay results from the first 4 holes (1076 m) of a planned 27,000 meter drill program on the Yellowknife City Gold Project ("YCG"), immediately north of Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories. All four holes reported today are from Mispickel and intersected significant zones of mineralization, with hole TWL16-020 intersecting high grade gold in the both the main zone and the hanging wall. These four holes are located on the two most southerly sections of drilling, and are below previously reported drill holes. The gold zones remain open along strike and down dip; drilling is ongoing.

Drilling at Mispickel again intersected visible gold zones in quartz veins within wide zones of lower grade mineralization. Highlights include:
  • 5.53 m @ 29.85 g/t Au, including 1.00 m @ 162.50 g/t Au, in the hanging wall zone of hole TWL16-020
  • 3.00 m @ 22.44 g/t Au, including 1.00 m @ 64.70 g/t Au, in the main zone of hole TWL16-020
  • 5.85 m @ 12.47 g/t Au including 1.00 m @ 67.00 g/t Au in hole TWL16-019
  • 4.67 m @ 13.83 g/t Au including 1.00 m @ 60.40 g/t Au in hole TWL16-021
  • 2.00 m @ 9.37 g/t Au in hole TWL16-022
Joe Campbell, President of TerraX, stated "We are very pleased with these results as they show that the high grade gold zones within the Mispickel system have significant continuity. The pervasive gold mineralization at Mispickel continues to indicate a large mineralizing system. There are currently three drills turning on the property with a focus on expansion step outs and discovery drilling. We are very excited as results will be continuous over the next 14 months."


Die TerraX-Aktie hat sich in den letzten Monaten sehr schön entwickelt:


TerraX Minerals (V.TXR) gibt an der Explorationsfront auf dem Hauptprojekt Yellowknife City Gold in Kanada weiterhin Vollgas.

Mit dem frischen Kapital aus der aktuellen Finanzierung (7 Mio. CAD) wird die ambitionierte Junior-Firma ein neues, signifikantes Explorationsprogramm starten, in dem satte 27.000 Bohrmeter absolviert werden. Im Fokus des neuen Arbeitsprogramms steht dabei das aussichtsreiche Mispickel-Bohrziel, auf dem TerraX zuletzt eine neue Gold-Discovery gelungen ist (8 Meter @ 60,60 gpt Gold)..


Quote #2:

Großes Investoren-Interesse: Gold-Explorer TerraX Minerals gibt Finanzierung über 7 Mio. CAD bekannt

Der erfolgreiche Gold-Explorer TerraX Minerals (V.TXR) füllt die Kassen auf: Der kanadische Minenwert gibt eine Aktienplatzierung (ohne Warrants!) über 7 Mio. CAD bei 0,40 CAD bekannt. Das jüngste Financing spiegelt treffend das große Investoren-Interesse wider. Neben Osisko Gold Royalties und dem Management (halten > 25% der Aktien) werden sich nun noch mehr starke Aktionäre positionieren..

Kohle: China's Importe steigen um 45%, Preise explodieren

Die krasse Mega-Hausse bei der Kokskohle, die insbesondere bei der Stahlherstellung verwendet wird, geht weiter. Die Spotmarkt-Preise haben zuletzt sogar die Marke von 200 USD/Tonne geknackt und notieren damit knapp 200% (!) über dem Jahrestief. Die chinesischen Importe stiegen zuletzt um satte 45% (MoM) auf an..


Nasdaq 100 Technologie-Aktienindex markiert neues Rekordhoch, Amazon knackt 800 Dollar-Marke

Only sky is the limit..


Wealth Minerals: Interview mit den Firmen-Chefs über das lukrative "Lithium Triangle" in Südamerika

Informatives Interview @ mit den Chefs bei Junior-Miner und Lithium-Highflyer Wealth Minerals (V.WML), Mr. Henk van Alphen (CEO) und Mr. Marcelo Awad (Executive Director, Chile):

Investors can't get enough of South America's 'lithium triangle'

Lithium, commonly called "white petroleum", drives much of the modern world. It forms a small but essentially irreplaceable component of rechargeable batteries, used in consumer devices like mobile phones and electric cars. It also has pharmaceutical and other applications.

More than half of the world’s identified resources of the mineral are found in South America's "lithium triangle", a unique stripe of high-altitude land covered with lakes and white salt flats that straddles Chile, Argentina and Bolivia..

Stahl-Industrie: China genehmigt größte Fusion im letzten Jahrzehnt

China erhofft sich durch den Zusammenschluss von zwei der größten Produzenten in der inländischen Stahlindustrie einen Abbau von weiteren Überkapazitäten..

China to proceed with biggest steel merger in almost a decade

Two of China’s biggest steelmakers agreed to merge their listed units, moving a step closer to a union that would create the nation’s biggest mill and a company with the scale to rival ArcelorMittal.

The publicly traded arm of Shanghai Baosteel Group, the second-biggest Chinese mill by output, will swap shares with the listed unit of Wuhan Iron & Steel Group, its No. 6 steelmaker, the smaller company said in a statement Tuesday. The parents remain in talks about restructuring, Wuhan said, without elaborating. A merger of the groups would be the biggest tie-up since the creation of ArcelorMittal nearly a decade ago..

Doch die chinesische Stahl-Industrie bleibt trotz der Mega-Fusion stark fragmentiert..


Donnerstag, 22. September 2016

Australien: Entwicklung der Explorationsaufwendungen (2000-2016)

Auf diesem spannenden Langfrist-Chart kann man sehr gut die extreme, zyklische Art der Rohstoffindustrie ablesen. Bemerkenswert ist auf jeden Fall, dass die Explorationsaufwendungen in Down Under im 1. Quartal 2016 auf den tiefsten Stand seit 10 Jahren gefallen waren..

Quelle: ABS, Matau Advisory

Nach FED-Sitzung: Goldminen explodieren unter hohem Handelsvolumen

Das führende Goldminen-ETF GDX drehte gestern frei nach oben und katapultierte die Aktienkurse der Goldproduzenten in die Höhe. Im Schnitt legten die Goldminen um mehr als 7% an Wert zu, was zu einem der besten Handelstage in den letzten Monaten führte. Das Fundament für die nächste Rallye-Stufe ist gelegt..

Osisko Mining's CEO John Burzynski: "Windfall hat das Potential zum Company-Maker"

Hierzu sollten Sie sich auch unbedingt die informative Präsentation von John Burzynski, CEO und Mitgründer von Osisko Mining (T.OSK), auf dem Precious Metals Summit 2016 ansehen: 

Osisko hits high-grade sods at ‘company-making’ Windfall Lake


VANCOUVER ( – Explorer and project consolidator Osisko Mining has hit some high-grade returns with recent exploration work at its Quebec-based Windfall Lake gold project, reporting intersections containing as much as 391 g/t gold over 3.1 m (uncut).

The Montreal-based company is currently undertaking an expanded 150 000 m drill programme, which combines definition drilling above the Red Dog intrusion, with expansion drilling above and below Red Dog, as well as exploration drilling on the greater deposit and overall property area. This was the second time in the past three months that Osisko had increased the scale of its drill campaign.

"In recent weeks, our corporate and exploration focus has turned solidly to the Windfall project. Results coming from the current drill programme have centred our attention on the growing potential for Windfall to be our ‘company-maker’ deposit,” president and CEO John Burzynski stated Monday..

Indien: Totale Öl-Importe markieren neues Rekordhoch

Der wachstumsstarke Asien-Staat benötigt immer größere Mengen an Öl-Importen, um den steigenden Energiebedarf zu decken. Indien wird übrigens wie China in den nächsten Jahren und Jahrzehnten auch stark auf die Nuklearenergie setzen, um den gigantischen Kohleverbrauch weiter einzuschränken..


Mittwoch, 21. September 2016

Geldpolitik: Keine Zinserhöhung in den USA, FED über Kurs der amerikanischen Geldpolitik zerstritten

Wie erwartet lässt die FED die Zinsen unverändert. Die Mitglieder des FOMC-Führungsgremiums sind sich zunehmend uneinig über die Entwicklung der geldpolitischen Maßnahmen..

Divided Fed Holds Fire, Signals 2016 Rate Increase Still Likely

September 21, 2016 — 8:00 PM CESTUpdated on September 21, 2016 — 8:48 PM CEST

A divided Federal Reserve left its policy interest rate unchanged to await more evidence of progress toward its goals, while projecting that an increase is still likely by year-end.

“Near-term risks to the economic outlook appear roughly balanced,” the Federal Open Market Committee said in its statement Wednesday after a two-day meeting in Washington. “The Committee judges that the case for an increase in the federal funds rate has strengthened but decided, for the time being, to wait for further evidence of continued progress toward its objectives..”


Eurozone: Inflationserwartungen verharren auf niedrigem Niveau

Die Geldpolitik der EZB läuft zunehmend ins Leere. Die 5y5y Inflationserwartungen kommen trotz massiver Aufkaufprogramme und rekordhoher Ausweitung der EZB-Bilanzsumme überhaupt nicht vom Fleck..

Quelle: J.P. Morgan, Bloomberg

Führendes Gold-ETF GLD: Bestände halten sich stabil nahe Jahreshoch

Die wichtigen Goldbestände im GLD-ETF bleiben von der jüngsten Korrektur beim Goldpreis weitgehend unberührt und stehen nur knapp unter dem Jahreshoch. Ein starkes Zeichen..

Banken: Kreditausfallversicherungen steigen wieder deutlich an, Deutsche Bank im Fokus

Die CDS-Preise von einigen führenden Banken ziehen in den letzten Tagen erneut erheblich an. Einmal mehr steht die Deutsche Bank im Fokus, bei der sich neue Kapitalsorgen abzeichnen..



Deutsche Bank: Kapitalsorgen nehmen weiter zu, Wahrscheinlichkeit einer neuen Kapitalerhöhung wächst

Der Krisenmodus bei der angeschlagenen Deutsche Bank (DB) setzt sich ungebrochen fort..

Folgen der Samarco-Katastrophe und Rohstoff-Baisse: Gehalt von BHP-Chef halbiert sich

Andrew Mackenzie, der Chef des weltgrößten Minenkonzerns BHP Billion (BHP), passt sein Gehalt an die anspruchsvolle Marktlage und die Verwerfungen aus dem Minenunglück in Brasilien an.

Es mehren sich zwischenzeitlich die Anzeichen, dass BHP's operatives Geschäft die Talsohle endlich durchschritten hat. Das Management drückt aber weiter kräftig auf die Kostenbremse, was sich auszahlen sollte..

Andrew Mackenzie's pay at BHP has been cut in half

SEP 21, 2016, 12:12 PM

The personal fortune of Andrew Mackenzie, the CEO of BHP Billiton, has suffered along with the rest of the mining industry.
His annual pay for 2016 was cut in half to $US2.24 million ($A2.97 million) as the world’s biggest miner posted record losses and cut dividends by three-quarters in a low commodity price world..

Goldproduzent Newmont Mining visiert Fortsetzung des Wachstumsplans an

Der nach Börsenwert nun wertvollste Goldproduzent der Welt, Newmont Mining (NEM), stellt weitere Wachstums- und Expansionspläne in Aussicht. Newmont gilt auch als Favorit für den Erwerb von weiteren Goldminen (u.a. Kalgoorlie Mine) vom aktuell noch größten Goldproduzenten (bzgl. Produktionsvolumen) Barrick Gold (ABX)..

Newmont's aggressive expansion plans

Newmont Mining is on an aggressive investment (and divestment) program which could see it catapult the company to the top of gold production stakes.

In a presentation at the Gold Forum in the city, Denver-based Newmont outlined projects that will add around 1 million ounces of gold to its portfolio and do so as soon as the middle of next year..


Dienstag, 20. September 2016

Chinesische Wirtschaft: Rohstoffgigant Rio Tinto blickt optimistisch in die Zukunft

Der zweitgrößte Minenkonzern der Welt, Rio Tinto (RIO), sieht die chinesische Wirtschaft auf Kurs:

Rio Tinto is no longer worried about China’s growth

World’s second largest miner Rio Tinto (ASX, LON:RIO) injected some much-needed optimism in the markets Monday by saying that while China’s short-term demand remains difficult to read, the long-term outlook is looking much brighter than a few months ago.

Figures out of China, Rio Tinto’s and most mining companies’ biggest consumer, show that factory output, investment and retail sales all exceeded analyst estimates in August as the property sector picked up pace.We can see an inflection point and we are going to make the most of it — Rio’s chief executive officer Jean-Sebastien Jacques.

Home prices climbed the most in more than six years last month, South China Morning Post reported, quoting data from the National Bureau of Statistics.

Those and other indicators, said Rio’s chief executive officer Jean-Sebastien Jacques in an interview with Bloomberg TV, is pushing his company closer to what he described as “cautiously optimistic” in relation to China.


Montag, 19. September 2016

Interview mit Branchenexperte Joe Mazumdar auf dem Precious Metals Summit 2016

Der versierte Analyst Joe Mazumdar, Kollege von Brent Cook bei Exploration Insights, in einem neuen Interview auf dem Precious Metals Summit 2016 - credit to The Daily Gold:

Interview with Joe Mazumdar at Precious Metals Summit

09/17/2016 | Jordan Roy-Byrne CMT, MFTA | Featured, Podcasts, TheDailyGold Podcast

Joe Mazumdar, the co-editor of Brent Cook’s Exploration Insights newsletter, joins us at the Precious Metals Summit in Beaver Creek to share his current thoughts on the junior sector..

Deutsche Bank: Kapitalsorgen nehmen weiter zu, Wahrscheinlichkeit einer neuen Kapitalerhöhung wächst

Der Krisenmodus bei der angeschlagenen Deutsche Bank (DB) setzt sich ungebrochen fort..

Capital worries grow for Deutsche Bank

Sep 19 2016, 09:08 ET | About: Deutsche Bank AG (DB) | By: Stephen Alpher, SA News Editor
  • Shares plunged late last week after word leaked the U.S. is seeking $14B over crisis-era MBS dealings, and they're extending those losses today as analysts crunch the bank's capital numbers.
  • Any settlement above $6B would suggest a capital raise would be necessary just to pay the fine, says SocGen's Andrew Lim, noting Deutsche (NYSE:DB) has only about $12B in legal reserves and is still facing other probes.
  • Macquarie's Piers Brown says the bank's capital position is "precariously thin" even without bad litigation outcomes, although a sale of Postbank could ease that pressure a bit.
  • JPMorgan says a U.S. settlement in the $3B-$3.5B range would leave Deutsche will the necessary room to settle other cases without a capital raise. For each $1B over that range, litigation costs would erode capital by 24 basis points.


Deutsche Bank Extends Losses Near Record Lows: "Significantly Undercapitalzied... Even Without Bad Outcomes"

Things are going from worse to worst once again for Deutsche Bank as equity and credit markets deteriorate further as analysts warn Germany's biggest (and the world's most systemically dangerous) bank would be "significantly undercapitalized" even if an eventual settlement with the DoJ can be covered by the bank's reserves. Despite multiple capital raises over the past few years, as Bloomberg notes, any likely settlement would imply a capital increase - just to pay the fine..

Vancouver's Nano One Materials profitiert vom Batterie-Nachfrage-Boom bei Tesla

Nachtrag eines informativen Berichts in der Vancouver Sun. Sehen Sie hierzu die aktuelle Firmen-Präsentation von Nano One Materials (V.NNO).

Vancouver's Nano One benefits from Tesla's lithium battery demand

Nano One CEO Dan Blondal says there’s a rapidly growing market and pent-up demand for lithium-battery cathode materials. HANDOUT/NANO ONE MATERIAL CORP. / PNG

The meteoric rise of electric-car manufacturer Tesla has increased the demand for lithium batteries and the components that go into them, and a Vancouver materials technology company hopes to grab a share of the business.

Nano One Materials Corp. has developed a new method of making cathode material, a black, powdery substance used in lithium batteries. Nano One is building a $6-million plant to test its ability to produce the substance in commercial quantities in a production line-type setting.

“We are at the stage where we’ve proven the technology at a certain level,” said Nano One CEO Dan Blondal, who founded the company in 2011. “We’ve tested the material and gotten the performance we expected, as well as proving to ourselves that the technology scales. … What we want is learn (with the pilot plant) is whether it’s a platform that will give a manufacturer the ability to make the material for any kind of battery, going into a number of applications.”

The Nano One technology, Blondal said, creates cathode materials that could last up to three times longer in a battery than current materials. That would allow batteries to store more energy while trimming the cost of producing hem.

Blondal said Nano One’s process has generated wide interest including from battery makers and the companies that use batteries in everything from tiny phones to large cars..

Barrick Gold setzt mit Cisco auf Technologiefortschritt und digitale Innovation in der Goldminen-Industrie

Hierzu ein aktueller Bericht auf Stockwatch:

Globe says Barrick boss embraces technological future

Barrick Gold Corp (C:ABX)
Shares Issued 1,165,331,319
Last Close 9/16/2016 $22.88
Monday September 19 2016 - In the News

The Globe and Mail reports in its Monday edition that mining lags other industries in one critical aspect: digital innovation. Guest columnists John Chambers and John Thornton write that shortcoming significantly threatens the industry's ability to meet future demands and survive in the digital age. Companies that fail to embrace the digitization trend will not survive. Mining needs to reinvent itself. The only way companies will cut costs and increase efficiency will be to embed digital technologies in every dimension of how mines are operated and managed. This transformation will require technology companies and the mining industry to partner together in new ways. Last week, Cisco and Barrick Gold agreed to reinvent Barrick's business. Over the course of the partnership, Barrick and Cisco will bring digital capabilities to Barrick's entire organization, from its mines around the world to Barrick's head office in Toronto. For instance, advanced sensing technology and real-time operational data will improve decision making. Equipment will be automated for increased productivity and worker safety. Predictive algorithms will enhance the precision and speed of maintenance and metallurgy.

Große Goldproduzenten fokussieren sich auf aktive Minenbezirke und Junior-Firmen

Hierzu ein aktueller Bericht von Reuters:

World's gold miners stick close to home in hunt for more metal

By Susan Taylor and Nicole Mordant | TORONTO/DENVER

The world's biggest gold miners are taking a cautious approach in their hunt for bullion, spending more money to explore around existing mines rather than new territory in a strategy that may have short-term gains but risks future production growth.

Top producers are relying more than ever on small companies to do the heavy lifting of searching for new deposits and increasingly taking 10 to 20 percent equity stakes in the junior miners.

Exploring close to home is more cost efficient and improves the odds of discoveries. But the chances of making major new finds are limited, diminishing global gold output, which is expected to decline by nearly 9 percent in the next three years.

"It only makes sense to be looking in your own backyard first before exploring elsewhere," said Paul Rollinson, Chief Executive of Kinross Gold, which spends about 90 percent of its exploration budget around existing sites.

"We focus on areas we already know, with existing infrastructure nearby, in jurisdictions we are comfortable with."

The world's 10 biggest gold miners are bumping up the share of exploration budgets earmarked for land around existing mines, or brownfield exploration, increasing the spending to 56 percent in 2015 from 45 percent in 2013..

Neues Interview mit Branchenguru und Sprott-Chef Rick Rule

Lesenswerter Bericht - credit to CEO.CA:

What Rick Rule learned after making 'egregious' early investing mistakes

Rick Rule says investors should be buying gold, silver, platinum and palladium.

"Many of our clients are still underweight physical precious metals," said Rule, President and CEO Sprott U.S. Holdings, in an interview with Andrew Nelson.

"We are urging those clients to position themselves either in the physical precious metals themselves or preferably in the 3 Sprott Physical Precious Metal Trusts, the gold, silver, and platinum & palladium trusts."

Interview edited for clarity.

Andrew Nelson: Being a legend amongst resource financiers what have you done throughout your career to create phenomenal returns for yourself and people who have invested with you?

Rick Rule: The first thing I’ll say was that I made an egregious mistake in my youth. In the bull market of the 1970s I did not know that natural resources were cyclical. I forgot that a bull market is the author of a bear market. What happened after I made that initial mistake was that the pain of that mistake was so fresh for me for the next 4 years that I understood I had to be a contrarian or that I would become a victim. Understanding the capital intensive cyclical nature of natural resources is essential in achieving success in this sector..



Big Picture: Kaufkraftverlust des US-Dollars und Schuldenkrise in den USA

Hierzu ein spannender Langfrist-Chart von der St. Louis FED, der vielen Goldanlegern bekannt sein dürfte. Ein Big Picture Chart-Update mit den neusten Zahlen kann jedoch nie schaden:

Sonntag, 18. September 2016

China: Immobilien-Boom geht in die nächste Runde

Nach einer deutlichen Abkühlung in 2014-2015 ziehen die Immobilienpreise im Reich der Mitte wieder kräftig an..

Quelle: Topdown Charts, NBS

First Majestic Silver: Neues Interview mit CEO & Gründer Keith Neumeyer

Informatives Update vom Chef bei First Majestic Silver (AG) und First Mining Finance (V.FF):

An Update from Keith Neumeyer of First Majestic Silver

Download Podcast (Right Click + 'Save As')
Last week, I had the privilege of once again speaking with Keith Neumeyer, CEO of First Majestic Silver and chairman of First Mining Finance. If you hold shares in either of these companies, you should be sure to give this a listen.
With all that's going on in the world, this update from Keith could not have been more timely. Over the course of this 16-minute call, Keith addresses:
  • The global supply/demand dynamics for silver and his opinion of derivative trading on the Comex
  • An update on the 2016 run-up in the share price of First Majestic as well as his thoughts on the recent pullback in the sector
  • The recent spinoff of three projects from the portfolio of First Mining Finance to a newly-created exploration company called Silver One Resources.
Again, anyone with holdings in AG or FF will certainly find this information worthwhile. Please take the time to give this podcast a thorough listen.

Uran-Aktien: Stabilisierung auf historisch niedrigem Niveau

Seit der Fukushima-Katastrophe haben Uranaktien im Schnitt mehr als 85% an Wert verloren und notieren heute auf einem 10-Jahrestief. Im Verhältnis zu allen anderen Anlageklassen und dem Uranpreis notieren Uranaktien auf historischen Tiefständen.

Der gesamte Markt der Uranaktien ist nur noch wenige Milliarden USD wert. Selbst Markt- und Kostenführer Cameco, der für rund 18% der globalen Uranproduktion aufkommt, kommt nur noch auf einen Börsenwert von 3,6 Mrd. USD.

Seit Anfang 2016 hat im Gesamtbild eine Stabilisierung auf extrem niedrigen Niveau begonnen. Antizyklische Investoren sollten nun ein Auge auf Uranaktien werfen. Bei einer Trendwende kann es so schnell gehen wie bei den Goldminen..


Großbritannien gibt grünes Licht für größtes Nuklear-Projekt in Europa

Hinkley Point ist nicht nur das größte Nuklearprojekt, sondern jetzt auch das größte Energieprojekt in Europa. Es wird bei Vollauslastung in Zukunft rund 7% des britischen Energiebedarfs decken können..

Rohstoff- und Minenbranche: Der Wochenrückblick von Haywood

Werfen Sie einen Blick in den informativen Wochenrückblick von Haywood:

The Weekly Dig

Mick Carew, PhD
Haywood Mining Team
Gold Tests $1,300 per Ounce Level Amid Continued Fed Uncertainty

The price of gold continued to fall this week amid uncertainty surrounding the Federal Reserve’s decision later this month as investors continued to cover short positions in the yellow metal. The central bank will meet on Tuesday and Wednesday, and some market watchers are still considering the possibility the Fed will raise interest rates at the meeting. This comes despite U.S. retail sales figures this week for the month of August, which showed a decline of 0.3%. It was the first decline in retail sales since March. Meanwhile, initial jobless claims were up slightly and mortgage applications rose last week,PPI for final demand was flat in August. On Friday, the yellow metal closed at $13,11 per ounce, testing the $1,300 per ounce level which many gold bugs believe represents a floor in the price of gold. Gold equities were also down this week; the S&P/TSX Global Gold Index fell 5% to finish at 234 on Friday while the S&P/TSX Venture Index was down 1.5% to finish at 799. Silver (↓1.5%) and platinum (↓4%) fell along with gold, finishing at $18.76 and $1,015 per ounce, while palladium rose slightly during the week to finish at $671 per ounce. The base metals, copper jumped 3% on Wednesday, finishing at $2.16 per pound. Lead was also up 5% while nickel (↓4%) and zinc (↓1.5%) were down for the week. The price of WTI crude fell to finish at $43.21 (↓5%).

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This report is neither a solicitation for the purchase of securities nor an offer of securities. Our ratings are intended only for clients of Haywood Securities Inc., and those of its wholly owned subsidiary, Haywood Securities (USA) Inc., and such clients are cautioned to consult the respective firm prior to purchasing or selling any security recommended or views contained in this report.