Dienstag, 13. Juni 2017

K+S startet Pottasche-Produktion in der Bethune-Mine in Saskatchewan

Bethune (ehemals Legacy) ist die erste neue Pottasche-Mine in den letzten 40 Jahren (!), die in der führenden Kalium-Minenregion in Saskatchewan gestartet wird..

K+S Bethune mine produces its 1st tonne of potash

600,000 to 700,000 tonnes of potash expected to be mined at Bethune this year

CBC News Posted: Jun 12, 2017 8:11 AM CT Last Updated: Jun 12, 2017 8:11 AM CT

The first tonnes of marketable potash arrive in the warehouse at K+S's new Bethune potash mine in Saskatchewan. (K+S Potash Canada). The new Bethune mine produced its first tonnes of marketable potash over the weekend.

The K+S-owned mine, located 60 kilometres northwest of Regina, is the first potash mine to open in Saskatchewan in 40 years. The company calls it "the most modern potash facility in the world.."

Quelle: ariva.de

Hausse setzt sich fort: Palladium-Preis explodiert auf 16-Jahreshoch

Seit Jahresanfang belaufen sich die Gewinne bei Palladium bereits auf mehr als 30%. Kein Wunder, dass das begehrte Edelmetall nun auch den Spitzenplatz im Rohstoff-Ranking in 2017 einnimmt:

Quelle: bloomberg.com

Montag, 12. Juni 2017

Interview mit Charttechnik-Experte Florian Grummes über Bitcoin und Gold

Weitere informative Einblicke im folgenden Video-Interview - credit to Rohstoff-TV:

Quelle: ariva.de

Big Picture: China steigt zum zweitwichtigsten Investor in Deutschland auf

Hinsichtlich der Anzahl von ausländische Investitionsprojekten in Deutschland liegen nur noch die USA vor China:

Quelle: E&Y

Interview mit Charttechnik-Experte Florian Grummes über den Zink-Markt

Informatives Video - credit to Rohstoff-TV:

Quelle: kitco.com

Big Picture: Schulden im Verhältnis zum Einkommen steigen in Kanada und Australien auf neues Rekordhoch

Die private Verschuldung in Kanada und Australien steigt auf bedrohliche Level..

Quelle: zerohedge.com

USA: Fallende Kreditnachfrage kündigt Rezession an

Informativer Beitrag auf Zerohedge:

U.S. Weeks Away From A Recession According To Latest Loan Data

Tyler Durden's picture
While many "conventional" indicators of US economic vibrancy and strength have lost their informational and predictive value over the past decade (GDP fluctuates erratically especially in Q1, employment is the lowest this century yet real wage growth is non-existent, inflation remains under the Fed's target despite its $4.5 trillion balance sheet and so on), one indicator has remained a stubbornly fail-safe marker of economic contraction: since the 1960, every time Commercial & Industrial loan balances have declined (or simply stopped growing), whether due to tighter loan supply or declining demand, a recession was already either in progress or would start soon.
This can be seen on both the linked chart, and the one zoomed in below, which shows the uncanny correlation between loan growth and economic recession.
And while we have repeatedly documented the sharp decline in US Commercial and Industrial loan growth over the past few months (most recently in "We Now Know "Who Hit The Brakes" As Loan Creation Crashes To Six Year Low") as US loans have failed to post any material increase in over 30 consecutive weeks, suddenly the US finds itself on the verge of an ominous inflection point. 
After growing at a 7% Y/Y pace at the start of the year, which declined to 3% at the end of March and 2.6% at the end of April, the latest bank loan update from the Fed showed that the annual rate of increase in C&A loans is now down to just 1.6%, - the lowest since 2011 - after slowing to 2.3% and 1.8% in the previous two weeks. 
Should the current rate of loan growth deceleration persist - and there is nothing to suggest otherwise - the US will post its first negative loan growth, or rather loan contraction since the financial crisis, in roughly 4 to 6 weeks..