Billionaire Energy Magnate: Russia needs to re-think its addiction to oil or it will be left behind
Unabhängiger Blog über interessante Rohstoff-Stories, spannende Wirtschafts-, Politik- und Finanzthemen, das BIG PICTURE, den Kapitalmarkt, aussichtsreiche Investments, aktuelle und brisante Themen + Trends aus der Rohstoff-, Minen- und Energiebranche, sowie über sämtliche Faktoren, die auf den spannenden Rohstoff-Markt Einfluss nehmen. "The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don‘t know." (A.E.) | Always Do Your Own Due Diligence.
Freitag, 30. Juni 2017
Neues Interview mit Top-Unternehmer und Milliardär Ross Beaty über die Energiewende
Hörenswertes Interview mit der Investoren-Legende Ross Beaty aus Kanada:
Billionaire Energy Magnate: Russia needs to re-think its addiction to oil or it will be left behind
Billionaire Energy Magnate: Russia needs to re-think its addiction to oil or it will be left behind
Alterra Power,
Big Picture,
Ross Beaty,
Mittwoch, 28. Juni 2017
Sibanye Gold visiert Wiederaufnahme der Cooke Goldmine in Südafrika an
Hierzu ein aktueller Beitrag auf Mining Weekly:
Sibanye Gold aims to restart Cooke mine this week
JOHANNESBURG – South African precious metals producer Sibanye Gold aims to resume production at its strike-hit Cooke Mine later this week, but first plans to conduct safety inspections in the shafts on Monday..
Sibanye Gold aims to restart Cooke mine this week
JOHANNESBURG – South African precious metals producer Sibanye Gold aims to resume production at its strike-hit Cooke Mine later this week, but first plans to conduct safety inspections in the shafts on Monday..
Quelle: Sibanye Gold
Rohstoffe vs. Aktien: Historische Divergenz
Selten in der Historie ging die Schwere zwischen der Entwicklung von Aktien und Rohstoffen so weit auseinander wie in den letzten Jahren:
Montag, 26. Juni 2017
U.S. Gold: Exploring & Developing Keystone Gold Deposit & Copper King
U.S. Gold Corp. (DRAM) ist eine brandneue Junior-Story mit Fokus auf den goldreichen Südwesten der USA:
Gold: Weiterer Flash Crash heute Morgen mit Papiergold-Verkäufen von über 2 Mrd. USD
Hierzu ein aktueller Bericht von Zerohedge:
Gold Flash Crashes As "Someone" Dumps $2 Billion, "Fat Finger" Blamed
One minute after 4am EDT, as the European market was warming up for trading, Gold suddenly plunged $12, or 1%, to $1,242 an ounce, on a surge in volume with 18k contracts, or just over $2 billion notional, trading in a one-minute window; as of 9:20am London, volumes running around 150% of recent averages. As so often happens, the gold plunge dragged silver down with it as well..
Gold Flash Crashes As "Someone" Dumps $2 Billion, "Fat Finger" Blamed
One minute after 4am EDT, as the European market was warming up for trading, Gold suddenly plunged $12, or 1%, to $1,242 an ounce, on a surge in volume with 18k contracts, or just over $2 billion notional, trading in a one-minute window; as of 9:20am London, volumes running around 150% of recent averages. As so often happens, the gold plunge dragged silver down with it as well..
Sonntag, 25. Juni 2017
Interview mit Barrick-Boss Dushnisky und Goldcorp-Chef Garofalo
Sehenswertes Video - credit to The Northern Miner:
Garofalo & Dushnisky: How Canadian best practices are being spread abroad
Garofalo & Dushnisky: How Canadian best practices are being spread abroad
Barrick Gold,
Big Player,
David Garofalo,
Kelvin Dushnisky,
Shareholder Value
Big Picture: Bilanzsumme der führenden Zentralbanken knackt die Marke von 15 Billionen US-Dollar
Alleine seit Jahresanfang haben die Zentralbanken der westlichen Welt ihre Bilanzen um irrwitzige 1,5 Billionen US-Dollar erweitert..
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