Freitag, 1. April 2016

Treasury Metals erzielt Kreditleihe mit Loinette Leasing und Extract Capital

Positive News bei Gold-Developer Treasury Metals (T.TML), die einen neuen Kredit-Deal erzielen:

Treasury Metals Announces US$4.4 Million Loan Transaction with Loinette Leasing and Extract Capital

TORONTO, March 31, 2016 /CNW/ - Treasury Metals Inc. ("Treasury" or the "Company") is pleased to announce it has entered into a binding term sheet with Loinette Company Leasing Ltd. ("Loinette") and Extract Capital Master Funds Ltd. ("Extract") (together, the "Lenders"), with Extract acting as agent to the Lenders, to arrange a buy-out and increase of the existing loan facility with RMB Australia Holdings Limited ("RMB") due on June 20th, 2016 in respect of which CAD$5.0 million (approx. US$3.78 million) is currently outstanding and to further advance the project feasibility study and permitting for the Goliath Gold Project. The total financing to be provided by the Lenders (the "Loan"), including the amount to buy-out RMB, is US$4,400,000 (approx. CAD$5.7 million).

The closing date of the Loan is targeted to be in approximately 30 days (the "Closing Date") and remains subject to customary conditions and definitive legal documentation

Kupfer: Enge Korrelation mit Chinas Einkaufsmanagersindex

Es wird spannend, ob der chinesische PMI dem Kupferpreis folgen wird..


Donnerstag, 31. März 2016

Gold: Bestes Quartal seit 1986

Das beste Quartal für den Goldpreis seit 30 Jahren lässt aufhorchen:


Europa: Anleiherenditen der Problemstaaten fallen auf neues Allzeittief

Die gigantischen Verzerrungen am manipulierten Anleihemarkt erreichen einen neuen Rekord..


S&P 500 Unternehmen: Gewinn-Wachstum bricht dramatisch ein

Der Blick auf einen besonders brisanten Chart:


Europa: Deflation bleibt den 2. Monat in Folge bestehen

Die Inflationsraten in der Eurozone bleiben im Keller..


Gold, Terminmarkt: Höchste Umsätze aller Zeiten in einem 1. Quartal an der COMEX

Die Handelsumsätze an der kontroversen COMEX springen im 1. Quartal 2016 massiv an:


Europäische Bankaktien: Blutrotes 1. Quartal 2016

Die schwächsten Bankaktien im 1. Quartal 2016:


Gold-Newsletter Update: The Midas Touch Consulting Report by Florian Grummes - 30th March of 2016

Florian Grummes mit seinem jüngsten, lesenswerten Update siehe unten.

Empfehlung: Hier können Sie sich für den informativen Gold-Newsletter registrieren.

30th of March 2016

Gold is getting weaker. With today´s reversal the weekly chart is likely going to lose its embedded slow stochastic. Finally! This trend-reinforcing special set up has been in place since early February. Without the embedded stochastic Gold would become very overbought on the weekly chart. But this does not mean that prices have to immediately roll over. More likely will be a continuation of the volatile consolidation between $1,200 and $1,280 with a final pullback towards the 200MA. The outlook for gold remains cautious for the next couple of weeks and months. But in the bigger picture it is very likely on its way towards $1,500 and should start moving again in early summer. Don't short it but stay at the sidelines and wait for the dips.

The stock markets instead are right in front of their best month of the year. But the small speculators do not trust the recent rally and continue to hold an unusual high short position. With that type of sentiment stocks should do well during April.

Bitcoin finally struggles to break through the downtrend-line. A pullback towards its 200MA might be on the way already and could bring another chance to buy the digital currency on lower levels.

With the new portfolio & watchlist I want to help you in understanding that the outcome of the next trade is always random. But the occurrences of our edge over a series of trades and investments is what makes us consistent and profitable...


Mittwoch, 30. März 2016

Deutschland: Inflationsrate ziehen an

Hierzu ein aktueller Artikel von den DWN:

Trotz billiger Energie: Inflationsrate in Deutschland steigt 

Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten | Veröffentlich: 30.03.2016

Trotz der anhaltend niedrigen Energiepreise ist die Inflationsrate in Deutschland gestiegen. Deutlich teurer wurden Lebensmittel und Dienstleistungen

US-Aktienmarkt, Dow Jones: Größtes Monats-Comeback aller Zeiten

Der Drawdown beim Dow Jones im März 2016 wird in die Geschichte eingehen..


Marc Faber: Gold weiterhin die ultimative Wertanlage

Hierzu ein aktuelles Interview mit Marc Faber beim TGR:

Marc Faber: Gold still most desirable currency in wake of Brussels attack

After several years of low gold prices, 2016 has brought a rebound, with the metal rising almost 20% since the first of the year, although recent price corrections have slowed gold's advance. After the Brussels terrorist attacks last Tuesday, gold rose briefly, but then was undercut by a strong U.S. dollar rally. Investors are wondering whether gold is in a temporary correction mode or if the three-month bull has run its course..


USA: Öl-Produktion fällt auf neues Jahrestief

Der niedrige Ölpreis scheint seine Wirkung nach und nach zu entfalten:


Silber: ETF-Bestände steigen auf neues Jahreshoch

Die Käufer bleiben am Silber-Terminmarkt aktiv:


U.S. Dollar Index (DXY): Top-Bildung schreitet voran

Der US-Dollar formt charttechnisch weiter ein Top..


Dienstag, 29. März 2016

Erfolgreiche Exploration: Fission Uranium erzielt neue Uran-Discovery

Dem erfolgreichen Uran-Explorer Fission Uranium (T.FCU) ist es gelungen, eine neue Uran-Discovery im kanadischen Athabasca Basin zu erzielen.

Im Rahmen des regionalen Bohrprogramms auf Fission's PLS-Liegenschaften, ist die Firma gleich in 3 neuen Regionen auf bedeutende Uran-Mineralisierungen gestoßen: Forest Lake, im Westen von R840W und ebenfalls zwischen R00E und R600W. Auf der Karte unten können Sie die Lokalisierung der Bohrungen einsehen.

Der Forest Lake Conductor Korridor liegt dabei Richtung Süden mehr als 7km von der einstigen PLS-Discovery (Triple R) entfernt. So stehen die Chancen gut, dass Fission die möglichen Uran-Ressourcen erheblich in Zukunft steigern kann. Noch sind nur Bruchteile der riesigen PLS-Liegenschaften intensiv exploriert worden.

Kein Wunder, dass COO und Präsident Ross McElroy mit den aktuellen Fortschritten äußerst zufrieden ist: ".."This is a successful end to the 2016 Winter program and we are particularly pleased with our latest exploration drilling: we have very promising results on the Forest Lake area over 7km south of the Triple R and also to the west of this winter's new R840W zone as well as in the gap between the Triple R deposit and the R600W zone. These results follow exploration activity earlier in the program which delivered a new land-based, high-grade zone at R840W, transformed R1620E into a high-grade zone and expanded the mineralized trend at PLS to 2.58km. All three of the new areas will require further drilling as follow up. Our resource drilling has been similarly successful and we now have three high-grade zones that have potential to be added to the Triple R resource..."

Hier können Sie noch einen Blick in die gegenwärtige Firmen-Präsentation werfen.


China: Kupfer-Importe legen deutlich zu

Die chinesischen Kupferimporte zogen im Februar um satte 20% an:

Shanghai copper inventories surge amid growing speculation

TOKYO - Record Shanghai copper inventories fed by speculative imports are obscuring the level of true demand in China, making the metal less reliable as an economic indicator.

Copper on the Shanghai Futures Exchange ended Friday at 37,620 yuan ($5,774) per ton, down slightly from Thursday and 5% below a recent high hit in early March. Data released after trading showed on-warrant copper inventories at 177,000 tons, marking an 11th straight weekly increase. That level is double inventories during March 2015.

"Arbitrage trading betting on a weakening of the yuan" is responsible for ballooning copper inventories, said Takayuki Honma of Sumitomo Corp. Global Research.

Investors predicting that the yuan will lose value are buying Shanghai copper in anticipation that yuan-denominated prices will rise
. That demand has at times boosted the metal's Shanghai price above that on the London Metal Exchange. Shanghai copper traded at the equivalent of around $4,570 per ton in late January, compared with $4,440 in London. Copper traders began procuring the metal from warehouses in London and exporting it to China, keeping it in Shanghai for delivery, Barclays reports.

LME inventories have thus fallen 40% since the start of the year. China's copper imports, meanwhile, surged more than 20% on the year to 860,000 tons in January and February. That metal has not been consumed, instead becoming part of swelling inventories



Der heimliche Aufstieg des Iran zu einer neuen Weltmacht

Hierzu ein aktueller Artikel von den DWN:

Der heimliche Aufstieg des Iran zu einer neuen Weltmacht

Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten, Ronald Barazon | Veröffentlicht: 29.03.16

Neuordnung in Nahost: Dem Islamischen Staat geht das Geld aus. Die Türkei muss ihren Traum von einem osmanischen Reich wohl begraben. Die Saudis kämpfen gegen den Ölpreis-Verfall. Der große Gewinner der aktuellen Entwicklung könnte der Iran sein. Teheran hat gute Karten, wieder zu einer echten Macht im Nahen Osten zu werden


Sonntag, 27. März 2016

The Top 3 Most Visited JRB Blog Posts This Week Are..

3. Norwegen, Energiebranche: Barentssee liefert herausragende Entdeckungen

2. Fission Uranium vergrößert Weltklasse Uran-Discovery im Athabasca Basin

1. Bullenmarkt geht weiter: Lithium-Preis setzt Höhenflug in China fort

Rohstoff- und Minenbranche: The Dig - Wochen-Rückblick vom Haywood Mining Team

Der lesenswerte Wochenrückblick von Haywood:

Industry Report

March 24, 2016

The Weekly Dig
Mick Carew, PhD,
Haywood Mining Team

Gold Price Fails to Find Support after Brief Surge following Brussels Attacks

§  The terror attacks in Brussels dominated this week’s headlines, after simultaneous bombings were reported at Brussels airport and at the City’s Metro Station, resulting in at least 32 people dead and over 200 injured. The tragedy amplified tensions in the region, as Europe still reeled from similar attacks in Paris in November last year. As expected, global markets fell, while safe-haven assets including government bonds and gold rose, with the latter hitting $1,259 per ounce during intra-day trading on Tuesday; markets settled quickly, however, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average down only 41.30 points, while the S&P 500 was largely unchanged at close. Following these brief market gyrations, metal prices across the board declined significantly; precious metals, and gold in particular, fell on the back of a strengthening U.S. dollar, finishing the week at $1,219 per ounce (↓3.7%) on Thursday heading into the Easter holiday period. The strengthening U.S. dollar has been attributed to the view that the Federal Reserve’s Open Market statement last week may have been too “dovish”. In response, silver (↓4.7%), platinum (↓4%) and palladium (↓3.3%) fell, finishing at $15.19, $947 and $574 per ounce respectively, while base metals fared no better, with copper (↓2.4%), nickel (↓2.85%), lead (↓3.5%) and zinc (↓2.5%) each finishing at $2.26, $3.91, $0.79 and $0.81 per pound respectively. One of the worst performers for the week was oil, with U.S. supply data indicating higher-than-expected stockpiles and stubbornly high production; WTI crude prices tumbled 5.4% to finish at $39.53 per barrel. Finally, UxC Broker Average (BAP) Price of uranium underwent a relatively flat week, finishing slightly lower (↓1%) at $29.44 per pound.

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