Freitag, 2. Dezember 2016

Junior-Gold- und Kupferproduzent K92 Mining: Positive Analysten-Kommentare nach Projektbesichtigung

Hierzu ein aktueller Bericht auf BNN:

K92 Mining impresses on first analyst tour of Kainantu

It didn’t take long after the first analyst tour of K92 Mining’s Kainantu Project in Papua New Guinea for bullish comments to start rolling in on this gold-copper asset that K92 acquired from Barrick Gold in 2015.

Production Fast Track with Massive Exploration Potential was the title of the Nov. 22, 2016 report issued by Clarus Securities analyst Nana Sangmuah after he spent time onsite in mid-November, alongside of other industry professionals from GMP Securities, Haywood Securities, and Macquarie. The site tour was hosted by K92 chief operating officer and director, John Lewins, and included visits to the underground operations, the processing facilities and surface infrastructure, and the large exploration tenements hosting multiple high priority exploration targets.

Further highlighting the upside, this post site visit report from Clarus notes, “We estimate a production growth rate of 200 per cent for KNT from 2017 to 2019, ahead of growth rate of peers averaging 21 per cent. Despite its compelling growth rate, KNT trades at a 0.3x P/NAV multiple, a ~60 per cent discount to junior producer peers trading at an average of 0.8x NAV.”

Haywood analyst Mick Carew commented in his initial post site visit report published on Nov. 23, 2016, “While the restart of mining at Irumafimpa represents a clear milestone for the Company, we see the medium- and long-term potential of the Kainantu project as particularly significant. With a recent PEA for the adjacent Kora deposit delivering a robust pre-tax NPV (five per cent) of US $415 million (US $386 million using an eight per cent discount rate) and an IRR of 113 per cent based on a 400,000 tpa operation, the current resource base at both Kora and Eutompi could be expanded.”

The past two months have been particularly busy for K92, with the company having commenced production from the Irumafimpa Deposit and then following it up by announcing the results of a PEA at the Kora Deposit, which is being targeted as the second deposit coming online. These two big fundamental achievements were recently described as the definition of a true “double-header," given that they concurrently occurred. With the restart commenced and given the company is providing clear guidance as to how it plans to dramatically grow production, K92’s recent share price represents not only a big discount to their peer group in terms of where the company is valued as a ratio of net asset value, but this is also combined with a much faster rate of production growth targeted.

K92 president Bryan Slusarchuk states, “The technical team onsite has done a great job getting production started on schedule and concurrently completing the PEA, which gives investors a clear growth path. The current discount to peer group valuation ought to appeal to deep value investors, while the growth rate targeted should appeal to investors seeking growth. With the project in great shape on the ground, we are now looking to expand the company’s profile as to make sure more and more investors follow us as the business plan is executed. While the project hosts high grade gold, many people are also starting to realize that Kora has a very strong copper component to it and that is also attracting attention given copper’s recent move.”

K92 is currently in the process of ramping up production towards steady state and also has two drill rigs onsite, one conducting grade control drilling, and one geared towards expansion and exploration drilling. The company has a strong group of institutional shareholders and trades in Canada under the symbol KNT (TSX.V), in the U.S. (KNTNF) and in Germany (92K).



Gold, Terminbörse: Volumen an der COMEX markiert neues Rekordhoch

In der US-Wahlwoche Anfang November erreichte das Volumen an der kontroversen Gold-Terminbörse COMEX ein neues Allzeithoch. Der Blick auf den spektakulären Langfrist-Chart:

Quelle: Gold Monitor

Donnerstag, 1. Dezember 2016

Großer Meilenstein: Continental Gold erhält die Umweltgenehmigung für das Weltklasse Buriticá Goldprojekt in Kolumbien

Nach einer jahrelangen Hängepartie, vielen Unsicherheiten und einer sehr großer Überzeugungsarbeit ist Continental Gold (TSX:CNL) am Ziel angekommen. Die kanadische Junior-Firma erhält die entscheidende Umweltgenehmigung für das Weltklasse Flaggschiffprojekt Buritcá. Ein großer Meilenstein für Continental - und die gesamte Goldminenbranche in Kolumbien.

Continental Gold Receives Environmental Permit for the Buritica Project

Toronto, Ontario, November 30, 2016 – Continental Gold Inc. (TSX:CNL; OTCQX:CGOOF) (“Continental Gold” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the receipt of the environmental permit for the Company’s Buriticá project.

Resolution No. 01443, dated November 30, 2016, was issued by ANLA, the Colombian National Authority of Environmental Licenses, approving the Company’s application for an amendment to the Environmental License for the Buriticá project located in Antioquia, Colombia. The resolution authorizes Continental Gold to expand its current small-scale operating mine to a fully integrated mining and milling operation, as outlined in the Company’s Feasibility Study dated March 29, 2016. Specifically, the resolution allows Continental Gold to operate and construct all mining and milling-related facilities, including a processing plant up to a maximum of 3,200 tonnes per day. In addition, the resolution allows the Company to mine alluvial material required for construction during the pre-production and production phases of operations and requires the Company to follow strict and environmentally-conscious best practice protocols for the operation and closure of the mine.

Ari Sussman, CEO of Continental Gold, commented: “The completion of permitting for the Buriticá project is a strong testament to Colombia’s willingness to embrace responsible mining and its desire to reinvigorate the gold industry for a country that holds the title as the most prolific gold producer in Latin American history. We would like to thank the local communities, the Government of Antioquia and the National Colombian Government for their confidence in Continental Gold’s ability to deliver a robust environmentally-responsible mine that will yield significant benefits for all stakeholders.”

The modification of the Environmental License, granted by ANLA, reflects Continental Gold’s commitment to building a modern mine with strong operational, environmental and social standards, while generating well-being and development for the communities of Buriticá, the region of Western Antioquia and Colombia,” stated Mateo Restrepo, President of Continental Gold..

Mittwoch, 30. November 2016

A November To Remember

Der November 2016 wird an den Kapitalmärkten sicher in die Geschichtsbücher eingehen:

November To Remember - Unprecedented Month In Markets Ends Weak
  • Russell 2000 +11% - best since October 2011
  • Dow +5.5% - best since March 2016
  • US Financial Stocks +14% - best since April 2009
  • Goldman Sachs +23% - best since December 2000
  • US Energy Stocks +9% - best since October 2015
  • FANG Stocks -6.2% - worst since March 2014
  • "Most Shorted" Stocks +11% - best since September 2010
  • US Treasury Bonds (TLT) -8% - worst since January 2009
  • Treasury 'VIX' +18% - worst since January 2015
  • Emerging Market Bonds -4.7% - worst since May 2013
  • Risk-Parity Funds -3.1% - worst since December 2015
  • USD Index +3.8% - best since September 2014
  • Mexican Peso -8.6% - worst since May 2012
  • Japanese Yen -8.9% - worst since August 1995
  • Chinese Yuan -2% - worst since December 2015
  • Emerging Market FX -4.5% - worst since May 2012
  • Gold -8% - worst since June 2013
  • Silver -8% - worst since May 2016
  • Copper +19% - best since March 2009
  • BIS "Fear' Index (Global Basis Swap) -3bps - worst since Feb 2016


Dienstag, 29. November 2016

Montag, 28. November 2016

TerraX Minerals: Erfolgreiches Explorationsjahr auf dem Yellowknife City Gold-Projekt in Kanada

Die Junior-Firma TerraX Minerals (V.TXR) konnte in diesem Jahr signifikante Explorationsfortschritte auf dem Hauptprojekt Yellowknife City Gold verzeichnen. Im kommenden Jahr wird die erste, bedeutende Ressourcen-Schätzung erwartet.

Bis Ende des Jahres visiert TerraX die Publikation von 24 weiteren Bohrlöchern von der Sommerphase des 27.000 Bohrmeter starken Explorationsprogramms an. Die Winterphase des Drilling-Programms wird Anfang Januar 2017 starten. Hierzu ein informatives Video-Update:


Gold-Explorer TerraX Minerals schließt Sommer-Bohrprogramm ab und verstärkt Management-Team

Die kanadische Junior-Firma TerraX Minerals (V.TXR) hat die Sommerphase des 27.000 Bohrmeter starken Explorationsprogramms auf dem Hauptprojekt Yellowknife City Gold erfolgreich abgeschlossen (NR)..


Quote #2:

Wachsende Gold-Discovery in Kanada: TerraX Minerals steht vor einem heißen Herbst

Der erfolgreiche Gold-Explorer TerraX Minerals (V.TXR) ist aktuell auf Roadshow in Europa und ich hatte die Möglichkeit den CEO Joe Campbell und CFO Stuart Rogers zu sprechen..
