Donnerstag, 28. März 2013

Goldaktien: Insiderkäufe laufen auf Mehrjahreshoch

Interessante Kontrareaktion: Das Buy/Sell Ratio von Insidern bei Goldunternehmen hat sich seit Mitte Januar nochmal glatt verdoppelt und notiert nach INK Research Mitte März mit einem Stand von 7:1 auf dem höchsten Niveau seit dem Höhepunkt der Finanzkrise.

To be continued²..
Insider buying of gold stocks surges to multi-year highs
The Globe and Mail - Published Monday, Mar. 25 2013, 5:39 PM EDT
The TSX global gold index has lost about a third of its value over the past two years. The S&P/TSX Venture Exchange, stock full of gold mining juniors, hit a multi-year low this month.
Yet, executives and officers who work within those businesses are showing remarkable confidence that the sector is poised for better times.
According to INK Research, there are now seven precious metals stocks on the TSX with insider buying for every one with selling. That’s a near doubling of the ratio since mid-January – and represents a level of lopsided transactions that is usually only seen during major market peaks or valleys..

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