Sonntag, 23. November 2014

4 Jahre nach Deepwater-Desaster: Öl-Boom im Golf von Mexiko erlebt Renaissance

Einige Öl- und Gas-Majors, u.a. die Branchenführer ExxonMobil (NYE:XOM) und Chevron (NYE:CVX), investieren wieder Multi-Milliarden USD in neue Mega-Projekte im Golf von Mexiko. Selbst BP (NYE:BP) plant über das nächste Jahrzehnt neue Investitionen in Höhe von 4 Mrd. USD pro Jahr auf zwei Golf-Projekten:

Oil boom returns to the Gulf of Mexico

Carl Surran, SA News Editor

  • New projects alone have the combined capacity to pump ~900K bbl/day: Hess (NYSE:HES) said Monday that it had started pumping crude from its deepwater Tubular Bells installation, Exxon (NYSE:XOM) and Anadarko (NYSE:APC) plan to start up two more major Gulf projects in the coming months, and Hess, Chevron (NYSE:CVX) and other partners recently OK'd a $6B Gulf development.
  • Even BP is returning in a big way, with two Gulf projects, plans to spend $4B/year in the Gulf for the next decade, and developing technology to drill at greater depths.
  • All this is happening even as costs are jumping, partly because companies are drilling farther from shore and in deeper waters; deepwater wells are up to 25% more expensive today than in 2010, and drilling the average deepwater well takes 13% longer than it did before the 2010 oil spill.
  • Shell’s (RDS.A, RDS.B) 100K bbl/day Olympus, which came online ahead of schedule and under budget, began tapping oil and gas in the Gulf of Mexico in February; it is also working on a new Gulf project that will tap an oil field under 9,500 feet of water, 3x deeper than Olympus.



Oil Boom Returns to Gulf After Deepwater Horizon Disaster

Exxon, Shell—Even BP—Push Ahead With Giant Offshore Projects..




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