Roxgold (TSX-V:
ROG) startet die
Minen-Konstruktion und visiert die
erste Gold-Förderung im
2. Quartal 2016 an..
Apr 07, 2015
Roxgold Commences Construction at the Yaramoko Gold Project
Commissioning and Production Expected in Q2 2016
Toronto, Ontario - April 07, 2015 - Roxgold Inc. ("Roxgold" or "the Company") (TSX.V: ROG) is pleased to announce that it has commenced construction at its Yaramoko Gold Project in Burkina Faso, advancing towards production in Q2 2016.
- Construction has commenced on the 190 person camp at Yaramoko;
- Bulk Earthworks have commenced which include:
- Excavation of the boxcut that accesses the underground mine;
- Clearing and preparation of the processing plant area;
- Building the project's Water Storage Facility;
- Building the project's Tailings Storage Facility; and
- Construction of roads within the project area.
- Fixed price, lump sum EPC contractors, DRA/Group Five, are expected to mobilize and commence construction on the processing plant in Q2 2015;
- Underground contractors, AUMS, are expected to mobilize and begin establishment of the portal to access the deposit in Q2 2015;
- Approximately US$10.8 million spent to date on long lead items; and
- Commissioning and production at Yaramoko is expected in Q2 2016.
"We are delighted to announce that we have officially broken ground at Yaramoko. In less than three years, Roxgold has advanced the project from a maiden resource through feasibility and permitting and now into construction," said John Dorward, President and CEO. "We remain well-funded and expect to be pouring gold at our high grade, low cost operation in the second quarter of next year.."

Roxgold mit großem Firmen-Meilenstein: Finale Minen-Genehmigung für das weltklasse Yaramoko-Goldvorkommen in Burkina Faso
Starke Fortschritte bei Roxgold (TSX-V:ROG) in der Projekt-Entwicklung der erstklassigen Gold-LagerstätteYaramoko in Burkina Faso. Mit dem Erhalt der finalen Minen-Genehmigung kann die Junior-Firma nun dieMinen-Finanzierung in Kürze abschließen und dann steht dem Konstruktions-Start nichts mehr im Wege..
Quote #2:
Roxgold in Burkina Faso: Margin- und Grade-Leader unter den Projekt-Entwicklern im Goldminen-Sektor
Der auf die stark wachsende Goldminen-Nation in Burkina Faso fokussierte Projekt-Entwickler Roxgold (TSX-V:ROG) glänzt in puncto besonderer Qualität in vielen Bereichen und hebt sich dadurch von der Masse der Goldminen-Aktien im Juniorsektor stark ab..
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