Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2016

Die 5 größten Kupfer-Minen der Welt

Nach wie vor steht die Mega-Mine Escondida (BHP, Rio TintoMitsubishi, IFC) im größten Förder-Staat (Chile) auf dem Spitzenplatz.

Hierzu ein informativer Bericht von INN:

5 Largest Copper Mines in the World

Here's a look at the world's largest copper mines in terms of production.

By Karen Norton, Thomson Reuters GFMS

According to the US Geological Survey (USGS), Chile is the top copper-producing country in the world by a long shot, so it’s no surprise that most of the world’s largest copper mines are also located in Chile. In fact, Chile took four of the five top five spots in terms of production last year

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