Montag, 18. Februar 2013

Permitting Risks & Delays nehmen in den USA weiter zu

Kongressabgeordneter Mark Amode und 28 parteiübergreifende Vertreter/Sponsoren aus der Minenbranche (primär Strategic Metals) setzen sich in Washington zuletzt verstärkt für ein besseres und zielführendes Regelwerk ein. Die Situation für die Minengesellschaften soll allgemein verbessert und die Risiken im Permitting Prozess gemindert werden. Die bürokratischen Ineffizienten stellen schon lange ein großes Problem dar und müssen endlich konstruktiv optimiert werden. Die politischen Vertreter zielen u.a. auf das Potential für den angespannten US-Arbeitsmarkt ab, welches bei schnelleren Prozessen in Aussicht gestellt werden kann.

"..In the 2012 ranking of countries for mining investment, the United States ranked last in permitting delays," said Rep. Amodei. "Duplicative regulations, bureaucratic inefficiency, and lack of coordination between federal agencies are threatening the economic recovery of my home state and jeopardizing our national security. Nevada, which is rich in strategic and critical minerals, also has the highest unemployment rate in the nation. Decade-long permitting delays are standing in the way of high-paying jobs and revenue for local communities. This bill would streamline the permitting process to leverage our nation's vast mineral resources, while paying due respect to economic and environmental concerns."
Minerals and mined materials are the raw ingredients needed in high-tech manufacturing, renewable energy products and to support American energy infrastructure. Critical and strategic minerals are fundamental components of technologies and everyday items ranging from cell phones, computers, solar panels, wind turbines, building materials and motor vehicles to personal hygiene products and office supplies. Currently, the United States is reliant primarily on China for certain critical and strategic minerals. Similar to dependence on foreign energy, America’s reliance on foreign critical and strategic minerals weakens national security and sends billions of dollars and good-paying jobs overseas.."
"Facilitate timely permitting process for mineral exploration and mine development projects by clearly defining the responsibilities of a lead agency. Currently, it can take up to 15 years for agencies to issue permits to allow mineral mining work to begin; the bill will limit the total review process for issuing permits to 30 months unless signatories to the permitting timeline agree to an extension.." 

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