Mittwoch, 19. November 2014

Peak Gold rückt näher: Brent Cook sieht 2015 Goldförder-Maximum erreicht

Neues, hörenswertes Interview mit Brent Cook von Palisade Radio:

Brent Cook Interview - 2015 Year of Peak Gold


"This week, we have the popular newsletter writer, Mr. Brent Cook, from Exploration Insights, as our guest. Brent Cook is an independent exploration analyst with 30 years of experience in both property economics and geology evaluations. We brought Brent on the show to get an overview of where the gold market currently is and where it’s headed. Something many investors are unaware of, peak gold, is right around the corner in Brent’s opinion, and it is something that will have dramatic effects on world gold production over the long term.

In this wide ranging interview with Brent, you’ll discover:

● Brent’s secret to minimizing losses during a bear market, and maximizing gains in the coming bull market

● Find out which major mining CEO agrees with Brent Cook on peak gold

● Why the effects of peak gold could be more dramatic than investors are aware of

● How to best pick stocks to benefit from peak gold

● Also, Brent Cook’s very own exploration stock picks!"

Cook reiht sich damit in eine ganze Reihe von Experten und Branchen-Insidern ein, welche Peak Gold in naher Zukunft kommen sehen. So auch der Chef des wertvollsten Goldproduzentend der Welt:

Branchengröße Goldcorp: CEO sieht Peak Gold bereits gekommen


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