Sonntag, 10. Januar 2016

Amerikanische Energiebranche: Fracking-Unternehmen vor Schicksalsjahr

Ein immer größerer Teil der stark verschuldetenamerikanischen Frackingbranche steht am Abgrund. In 2016 werden die meisten Absicherungen (Hedges) auslaufen und dann wird es bei den aktuellen Energiepreisen extrem schwierig die hohen Schuldendienste zu erfüllen. Reuters widmet sich dem Thema in einem aktuellen Artikel:
"You've got oil that is down meaningfully in 2016, volumes are down, natural gas prices are low because of weather and there is very little in the way of hedging. Then you've got a lot of these companies that were very aggressively financed with debt," said Mark Hanson, oil analyst with Morningstar in Chicago. "It can get pretty ugly."

2016 brings more pain to U.S. shale companies as crude sinks

Pain is quickly growing more acute in the new year at beleaguered U.S. shale companies as a global supply glut sinks crude further to 11-year lows, putting added financial stress on the most heavily indebted..

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