Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2015

Alle Jahre wieder: Die weltgrößte Minen-Konferenz in Toronto - PDAC 2015

Und erneut ist es soweit. Die größte Minen-Konferenz der Welt, die PDAC 2015, lädt nach Toronto ein. Es werden erneut mehr als 25.000 Besucher aus der ganzen Welt erwartet. Zahlreiche Minen-Firmen, Branchen-Experten und Journalisten werden vor Ort sein. Vom 1. bis zum 4. März 2015 ist damit wieder Ausnahmestimmung in der kanadischen Finanzmetropole angesagt..

"..The Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) represents the interests of the Canadian mineral exploration and development industry. The association was established in 1932 in response to a proposed government regulation that threatened the livelihood of Ontario prospectors. A timeline of the association's history is available here, along with a written history that can be found here. Today, 82 years after its founding, the association is a national organization with more than 9,000 individual members (including prospectors, developers, geoscientists, consultants, mining executives, and students, as well as those involved in the drilling, financial, investment, legal and other support fields) and more than 1,200 corporate members (including senior, mid-size and junior mining companies and organizations providing services to the mineral industry)..."



Floor Plan

Teilnehmende Minen-Firmen

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