Montag, 7. September 2015

Glencore schlägt zurück: Rohstoff-Gigant tritt auf die Kosten-Notbremse, stoppt Minen, fokussiert Schuldenabbau, streicht Dividende

Der Rohstoffriese Glencore (LSE:GLEN) reagiert auf die brutale Marktlage und kündigt aggressive Aktionen an - um die historische Krise am Rohstoff-Markt zu überstehen. Es gleich in einigen Bereichen einer Kapitulation.

Alles fokussiert sich bei Glencore jetzt auf den Schulden-Abbau und die Erhöhung der entscheidenden Liquidität. So kommt es beim tief gefallenen Rohstoff-Giganten zu einer bereits erwarteten Kapitalerhöhung (KE).

Erwähnenswert ist in dieser dunklen Zeit insbesondere DAS geniale Commitment des erfolgsverwöhnten Managements. Die Insider werden weitere 550 Mio. USD in den traditionsreichen Konzern investieren und zeichnen dadurch satte 22% der totalen KE-Summe. (siehe NR).

Damit teilen die Verantwortlichen ein wenig den großen Schmerz der Aktionäre, die im Hinblick auf den gewaltigen Aktienkursverfall erheblich einstecken musste.

Der starke Insider-Support spricht in jedem Fall für sich und impliziert ein großes und wichtiges Vertrauenssignal.

Darüber hinaus ist die heutige News von Glencore ein sehr gutes Signal für den Kupferpreis bzw. die Bilanz von Angebot und Nachfrage am Kupfer-Markt. Durch den Stopp von zwei signifikanten Kupfer-Minen werden nämlich 400.000 Tonnen Kupfer (p.a.) den Markt nicht mehr erreichen (Momentaufnahme, Target)..


Glencore $GLEN.L 136 pence, Mkt Cap £17.8 bn – Capital raise to reduce debt 

Comment via John Meyer's
  • The company is to raise US$2.5bn from a proposed equity issue.
  • 78% of the issue has been underwritten by Citi and Morgan Stanley.
  • 22% or US$550m is to be taken up by senior management including the CEO, CFO and several Board members.
  • A further US$7.7bn is to be raised by initiatives to be implemented by the end of 2016.
  • US$1.6bn is to come from the 2015 final dividend and US$800m from the suspension of the 2016 interim dividend.
  • Working capital reduction is to generate around US$1.5bn.
  • US$2bn is to be raised from asset disposals including proposed precious metals streaming.
  • US$500-US$800m is to be generated from a reduction of long term loans and advances made by Glencore (this totalled US$4bn in 2015).
  • Cut in capex is to result in a saving of US$500 to US$1bn by the end of 2016.
  • African copper operations at Katanga and Mopani are to be suspended till cost reduction projects are implemented.
  • The expansionary and upgrade programme is to reduce C1 cash costs materially to US$1.65 to US$1.70/lb from US$2.50/lb today.
  • This is expected to take 400,000 tonnes of copper cathode from the market.
  • Meanwhile Mutanda is said to be performing well producing above name plate capacity at a C1 cost of US$1.36/lb.
Conclusion: It is good to see the company taking decisive action to stem concerns about the group’s balance sheet. Management are taking up 22% of the proposed equity issue which will be seen as a sign of confidence in prospects for the business as well as sharing the “pain” with shareholders. Shareholders are to give up a total of US$2.4bn in dividends. Interestingly the terms of the rights issue have not been announced yet – short sellers would have been caught out this morning.

Closing down Katanga and Mopani while upgrades are implemented to improve costs makes sense rather than operating these businesses at a loss. This takes around 2.2% out of copper supply and should also help in terms of sentiment towards concerns of oversupply in the market..

Quote #2:

Glencore: Höchster Leverage auf den Kupferpreis unter den großen Produzenten

Quote #3:

Glencore leads European gains on plans to cut debt

Sep 7 2015, 07:54 ET | By: Stephen Alpher, SA News Editor  - Source:
  • The Stoxx 50 (NYSEARCA:FEZ) is off session highs, but still ahead by 0.55% at midday following Friday's sharp declines in the West.
  • Among the big movers is Glencore (OTCPK:GLNCY, OTCPK:GLCNF), up 7% in London action after announcing plans to shore up its balance sheet buy cutting net debt to about $20B by the end of 2016 (vs. a previous plan to cut it to $27B). As of the end of Q2, net debt stood at nearly $30B.
  • Among the measures will be the scrapping of the dividend, an equity raise of $2.5B, and the suspension of operations at two African copper mines. The company's senior management plans to buy 22% of the stock offering



Quote #4:

Der weltgrößte Rohstoff-Händler und einer der größten Minen-Konzerne der Welt (siehe Fusion mit Xstrata) wird an der Börse zerrissen.

Weshalb kommt der traditionsreiche Multi-Milliardenkonzern Glencore (LSE:GLEN) so enorm unter Druck..?

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