Freitag, 26. Februar 2016

Preiskampf in der Öl-Industrie: Größter Öl-Produzent in North Dakota stoppt Fracking

Saudi-Arabien erzielt einen weiteren Fortschritt im extremen Preiskampf in der Öl-Industrie:

In Biggest Victory For Saudi Arabia, North Dakota's Largest Oil Producer Suspends All Fracking

Tyler Durden's picture

Yesterday, during his speech at CERAWeek in Houston, Saudi oil minister Ali al-Naimi made it explicitly clear that Saudi Arabia would not cut production, instead saying that it is high-cost producers that would need to either "lower costs, borrow cash or liquidate” adding that there is "no need for cuts as marginal barrel will get out of the market." He was right. 
Today his wish is slowly coming true after news that North Dakota's largest producer, Whiting Petroleum, would suspend all fracking, and that Continental Resources has effectively done the same after reporting that it no longer has any fracking crews working in the Bakken shale..

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