Freitag, 15. Februar 2013

Goldsektor: Weltgrößter Produzent verspricht Major Changes - Sektorweites Umdenken findet statt

Was müssen Goldproduzenten (i.w.S. Minenunternehmen) in 2013+ anders machen, um wieder Vertrauen zurück zu gewinnen und den Markt und die Aktionäre überzeugen zu können?

Mr. Jamie Sokalsky, President & CEO Barrick Gold (NYE.ABX):
"Investors are rightfully demanding fundamental change in the gold industry, and Barrick is driving this new paradigm. Rising costs, poor capital allocation and the pursuit of production growth at any cost in the industry have led to declining equity valuations across the sector. The message is clear: the industry must chart a new path forward. Barrick highlighted the need for change last year, and we are increasingly taking strong action and re-focusing our business based on the principle that returns will drive production, production will not drive returns."

Quelle: Statement, Financial Results FY 2012 + Q4 2012 (

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