Sonntag, 21. September 2014

Big Picture, Gold und Silber: John Hathaway bei Tocqueville und Mike Maloney von Hidden Secrets of Money

Tocqueville ist einer der größten und einflussreichsten Investoren in zahlreichen Goldminen, insbesondere im Entwicklungssektor.

Folgend einige Kommentare und Einschätzungen von Branchenxperte John Hathaway, der bekannte Managing Director bei Tocqueville Asset Management; sowie ein Review von Mike Maloney.

The Big Picture For Gold And Silver

Tyler Durden's picture

With precious metals back at 4-year lows against a backdrop of gold migration from west to east, paper vs physical divergences, 'disappearing' Comex positions, dark pools in London, collateral grabs, and massive monetary policy extremist actions; we thought the following two presentations worth considering
Tocqueville's John Hathaway delves into the darker corners of today's gold markets while Mike Maloney reminds us of the big picture behind gold and silver as wealth insurance. The failure of a monetary system is never a smooth road - it is rocky and undulating, with twists and turns that don't appear on any map. But the destination is always without question, despite suppression efforts: Gold will inevitably respond to an expanding fiat currency supply. That simple.
Tocqueville's John Hathaway asks (and answers) "Do You Know Where YOUR Gold Is" as he explains how counterparty and systemic risk will converge and the various dark and murky corners of the precious metals markets in which manipulation grows unchecked...

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