Mittwoch, 3. Dezember 2014

Australien, Minenbranche: Explorations-Ausgaben brechen weiter ein

Keine Verwunderung im Hinblick auf die schwerwiegende Baisse-Phase, deren Ende noch nicht absehbar ist:

Exploration investment continues to fall

2 December, 2014

Exploration investment has continued the steady downward trend in the September quarter, with Queensland the worst hit according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).
Mineral exploration fell 3.6 per cent on the national trend estimates, down by $16.5 million to $446.9m for the quarter.
Queensland fell by $10.9 per cent, down $10.7m, while on seasonally adjusted figures Western Australia fell by 7.7 per cent, or $21.7m.
However in original terms mineral exploration is down 11.7 per cent to $455m for the quarter, a loss of $60m worth of investment in the industry, with greenfields down $15m and brownfields down by $45m..

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