Montag, 9. Februar 2015

Streaming- und Royalty-Primus Franco-Nevada visiert weitere Deals im Minen- und Energie-Sektor an

Nachvollziehbar ein ausgezeichnetes Umfeld für Franco-Nevada (TSX:FNV), um weitere Deals in der Minenbranche einzuholen..
Franco-Nevada May Deploy More Than $1 Billion This Year
(Bloomberg) -- Franco-Nevada Corp., a Canadian company that provides financing for energy and mining projects, sees sagging commodity prices as an opportunity to complete deals worth more than $1 billion this year.

I’d like to deploy all my cash this year,” David Harquail, chief executive officer of the Toronto-based company, said in an interview in Vancouver Monday. “That would be my ideal.”

Harquail, who put more than $900 million to work in 2014, said mining and energy companies need more financing for projects hurt by falling prices. Franco-Nevada and other buyers of royalties provide financing to developers in exchange for a discount on future output..



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