Donnerstag, 21. Mai 2015

Produzent DuSolo Fertilizers: Neues Interview mit den Firmen-Verantwortlichen

Ich hatte vor kurzer Zeit das Vergnügen, ein informatives Interview mit den Verantwortlichen von Produzent DuSolo Fertzilizers (TSX-V:DSF) durchzuführen.

Die kanadische Junior-Firma ist in einer etablierten Minen-Region in Brasilien auf die Ausbeutung, Exploration und Entwicklung von Phosphat-Projekten spezialisiert, verfügt über ein kompetentes Management, solide Finanzen, starke Aktionäre und ein attraktives Projekt-Portfolio.

Werfen Sie im Hinblick auf wichtige Hintergrund-Informationen und zahlreiche, visuelle Einblicke parallel einen Blick in die neue Investoren-Präsentation

Zuletzt erzielte DuSolo außerdem neue, aussichtsreiche high-grade Bohrungen auf dem Flaggschiff-Projekt in Brasilien:


What makes the DuSolo story so interesting compared the hundreds of junior mining companies out there?

DuSolo Fertilizers Inc. is a vertically integrated producer of phosphate-based fertilizers in Brazil. There are a number of factors that set us apart from other junior mining companies, including:
• Location –
1) Brazil is one of the world’s fastest growing agricultural economies
2) Brazil currently imports more than 50% of phosphate fertilizers from it uses overseas, adding significant transportation and logistics-related costs to fertilizer prices
3) Our flagship project - Bomfim is located right at the center of the Cerrado region, which is the largest agricultural region in the world, and has a large demand for fertilizers
• We are currently in production and have sales contracts in place for the 2015 planting season
• Our assets host at surface, high-grade phosphate mineralization, which allows for a simple mining and processing method (very low CAPEX and high profit margins)
• Our Direct Application Natural Fertilizer (DANF) product is in high demand in the region
• DuSolo is the only DANF producer within 500 km radius surrounding the project’s area
• By being a domestic fertilizer producer, DuSolo is able to offer a premium product at a significantly lower cost

Why is phosphate a lucrative commodity market?

• The growing global population is creating an ever-increasing demand for food. Agricultural production requires the use of fertilizers from three essential minerals Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) or (“NPK”)
• Demand for phosphate-based fertilizers is rising, while existing global phosphate reserves are declining
• It’s estimated that “peak phosphorus” production will occur by 2030
• Brazil has a substantial shortage of domestically produced phosphate fertilizers; as a result the government considers it to be a strategic commodity

Please give us some insights about the advantages to do business in the Cerrado region in Brazil.

• The Cerrado region is home to the largest arable land mass in the world. Majority of future increases in global food production is expected to come from this region
• The tropical rains in the Cerrado wash away nutrients, leaving the soil poor for farming and needing to be fertilized frequently
• Cerrado is land locked, therefore making fertilizer imports very expensive
• Within a 500 km radius of DuSolo’s processing facility:
   o 1.2 million tonnes of phosrock is being consumed every year
   o 585 farms and agricultural centres exist
   o DANF consumption is growing at a compound annual growth rate f 6%
   o No domestic production

What can investors expect in 2015?

At the start of the year, DuSolo was producing DANF and entering into sales contracts with local farmers. Major goals for 2015 include:
• Doubling capacity at our processing facility to 160,000 tonnes per year
• Entering into additional DANF product sales contracts
• Producing cash flow from operations
• Updating the National Instrument 43-101 Resource Estimate to include results from the 2015 drill campaign

Can you tell us some more about your management team and board?

The management team has extensive financial, technical and capital markets experience.  Many members of DuSolo’s technical and sales team, including the COO, VP of Exploration, Product Development Manager and Sales and Marketing Manager have all worked with phosphate industry in Brazil before. Their experiences complement one another as they cover different disciplines – exploration, project development, production and sales and marketing. Both the COO and VP of Exploration were responsible for making significant phosphate discoveries in the past.

For more information on DuSolo’s management and board please go to our web site,

What about your current financial situation and the financial outlook?

>> DuSolo completed a C$6.8 million financing in late 2014. Proceeds were used to obtain all necessary permits, secure the production facility and begin mining and processing phosphate to DANF
>> As of March 3, 2015, cash was C$3.2 million
>> DuSolo has entered into sales contracts for 51,100 tonnes of DANF, with expected proceeds of approximately C$4.5 million
>> The Company anticipates securing additional sales contracts in the coming months
>> The Company plans to become self sufficient this year and to rely on its own resources going forward

Are you able to give us some insights about your long-term goals?

The Company has two main long term goals:

1. Continue to increase its NI 43-101 Resource Estimate through exploration drilling

2. Capture 30% of the marketplace for phosphate-based fertilizer in the Cerrado within the next 3 years by increasing production, entering into additional sales contracts and offering farmers in the region a preferred product at competitive pricing

Please tell us some more about your major shareholders and story supporters.

• Tembo Capital and M&G Investments, both located in London, are major shareholders
• We had different people covering the story in the past two years. At present, Tom Wallace, an agricultural investment newsletter editor and publisher of The Agletter, follows DuSolo closely on an independent basis. We are in the process of contracting a few other story supporters

• Haywood Securities’ analyst Mick Carew has been on a site visit and writes about DuSolo in Haywood’s Mining Flash




Junior-Produzent DuSolo Fertilizers trifft auf Bomfim in Brasilien auf neue high-grade Phosphat-Mineralisierungen

Der positive Nachrichtenfluss beim auf Phosphat spezialisierten Junior-Produzenten DuSolo Fertilizers (TSX-V:DSF, FSE:E6R) geht weiter. Heute verkündet die kanadische Rohstoffgesellschaft neue, sehenswerte Bohrergebnisse vom riesigen Bomfim-Phosphatprojekt in Brasilien..

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