Nach einer aktuellen, repräsentativen Umfrage/Studie der Mining Recruitment Group Ltd. (MRG Group) hält der Pessimismus in der Minen- und Rohstoffbranche bei den Verantwortlichen weiter an. Laut den letzten Daten sind nicht mal 10% der befragten Führungskräfte für die nächsten 6-12 Monate bullisch gestimmt, über 60% hingegen verweilen sentimentstechnisch im Bärenlager..
MRG Mining Survey Reveals only 9% of Mining Executives are Bullish on the Year Ahead
VANCOUVER, BC, - In a report released this week by The Mining Recruitment Group Ltd - a Vancouver based executive search firm focused on the resource industry- 210 mining executives from TSX and TSXV companies revealed their outlook on the strength and viability of the sector over the short and long-term in addition to the current management strategies being employed. This survey was a direct follow-up to one completed in Q4, the results of which highlight just how dramatically sentiment and strategies can adapt over a short time period..
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