Montag, 18. April 2016

Gold- und Silberpreis: Manipulationen der Deutschen Bank nur die Spitze des Eisbergs?

Hierzu ein aktueller Bericht von Zerohedge:

Is Deutsche Bank’s Gold Manipulation The Main Scam Or Just A Side-Show?

Tyler Durden's picture

For years now, the easiest way to finesse a debate over whether precious metals markets are manipulated has been to say, “well, if they’re not manipulated they’re the only market that isn’t.”
That was unsatisfying, though, because as the big banks got caught scamming their customers on interest rates, mortgage bonds, forex and commodities trades, those markets (presumably) began to operate more-or-less honestly. Gold and silver, meanwhile, kept right on acting strangely, for instance plunging in the middle of the night on no news but massive futures volume, to the detriment of honest investors and traders who naively bet their capital on fundamentals. The (already huge) amount of money thus stolen from gold bugs kept rising.
So it is with relief that fans of honest markets have greeted the news that at least one kind of precious metals manipulation has been exposed..


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